No I won't take my clothes off right now! This is so you pay attention instead of looking at my naughty bits all the time! Around this part of the site is where you'll find various useful things like how to keep up with the news, where to get help and what to do if you are an artist who would like to apply for your own site within Erotic Illusions. So just keep your mind on that for a minute then, if you're very good, I'll let you find out just how easy it is to get into my uniform without ripping it like you usually do!
If you can actually look away from my boobs for just a little while... yes a bit higher... keep going. Up and to the right... There, you see? All the menu items have changed to the links you need to find out what is in this area. To get back to the artwork, just click your heels together three time while saying 'there's no place like home... there's no place like home'. Or alternatively, try clicking on the Home link instead!
Paul Bates 164 Foss Road Hilton DE65 5BH