Yes I know it looks boring in here and you only came for the sex and violence. Or sex without the violence. Or violent sex. Something to do with sex anyway, I can tell by the way you keep looking at me with the same glint in your eye that Stormbringer gets just before he calls me into his office to punish me for some mistake I don't even understand. What? You think I deserve to be punished for bringing you to this boring place? But you're the one who said you wanted to visit... OWWW!! ..... no need to spank quite so hard! I tend to mark easily and you wouldn't want to leave fingerprints on my bottom. Mmmm ... yes ... that's better... slow and just a bit hard. I'm sure I'll learn from my mistake, honest! But you really should read this stuff ... owww! .... OK ... after! I am getting rather warm for some reason!
Whenever you move around, whether online or in real life, you are subject to certain restrictions on where you can go and what you can do. There are few concepts of total freedom and so it is here. Even if you don't read all this boring stuff, you are still bound by it just by visiting.
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Paul Bates 164 Foss Road Hilton DE65 5BH