We are always looking to do banner or link exchanges with the webmasters of other quality sites in fields relating to erotic art or complementary subjects. We also like to think we're available to chat, swap experiences and discuss techniques, though obviously all of us have too much work to do, most of the time ;)
To add a banner link, please save one of the items below and host it on your own server, linking to http://eroticillusions.com
Remember to let us know via the Contact Page including where to find your own banners. Links between quality sites benefit everyone involved, webmasters and surfers both, so our only concern is that you have an honest site on a subject likely to interest our visitors.
We place links on the index page or, on request, on a relevant internal page. We don't have a links page which everyone ignores, we don't have thousands of links; so we don't link to sites that do. Give us a fair link and we'll give you one back.
Paul Bates 164 Foss Road Hilton DE65 5BH